Chris Jordan
Men With Purpose Leader
Proverbs 27:17 (ESV) "Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another."
Men With Purpose exists to lead men to become followers of Jesus Christ, to help all men undersand and live their purpose, as men created by God.

Even the strongest men - the most valiant warriors - need Christian brothers to strengthen them in God.

  • Men With Purpose are positive difference-makers in the lives of other men, their families, their church, and their communities.
  • Men With Purpose ministry enables men to strengthen each other in God by provding a safe, supportive and sometimes challenging environment for me to become their true selves.


  • Form relationships with other men who you can share with, and get wise feedback from, at any time.
  • To establish a "band of brothers" who will encourage each other day-in and day-out, to continue to fight the good fight of faith and to protect each other from the traps of sin.